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CDR library

Jul 31, 2023
💸🔦 This week’s corporate CDR buyer spotlight: UBS 💸🔦
UBS is a leading global financial services firm headquartered in Switzerland. Given their status as the largest wealth management bank in...

Jul 20, 2023
💸🔦 This week’s corporate CDR buyer spotlight: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 💸🔦
This week’s spotlight showcases a company aiming to become climate positive from 2030, removing more carbon than it emits. BCG is a...

Jul 11, 2023
🇺🇸 US state carbon management spotlight: #Massachusetts (MA) 🇺🇸
This is an important week for carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) policy in MA. The MA Carbon Dioxide Leadership Act (#CDRLA) (S.2096) has its...

Jul 6, 2023
🇪🇸 This week’s European carbon management spotlight: #Spain 🇪🇸
Spain currently has a timid carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) policy, with no clear targets. It focuses almost solely on ecosystem-based CDR...

Jul 4, 2023
💸🔦This week’s corporate CDR buyer spotlight: Klarna 💸🔦
This week’s spotlight shows the enormous potential for corporations to track their emissions and make voluntary financial contributions...

Jun 29, 2023
💸🔦 This week’s corporate CDR buyer spotlight: Shopify 💸🔦
Shopify, a Canadian e-commerce platform, is investing in #renewable energy and supporting carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) efforts as a...

Jun 26, 2023
🇺🇸🏙️ This week’s US State carbon management spotlight: NY 🇺🇸🏙️
#NewYork is leading the way with an aggressive climate policy framework and thriving carbontech environment. What is New York’s climate...

Jun 22, 2023
🇮🇹 This week’s European carbon management spotlight: #Italy 🇮🇹
Italy currently lacks a concrete legal and policy framework regulating climate action, and its CDR policy is still in its infancy. It...

Jun 20, 2023
BREAKING 💥 JPMorgan Chase & Co. announces $200,000,000 worth of carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) purch
"JPMorgan Chase announced today a series of deals aimed at removing and storing 800,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the...

Jun 15, 2023
🇨🇭This week’s European carbon management spotlight: Switzerland🇨🇭
An important vote is coming up for the Swiss electorate on 18 June regarding its #netzero plans – if it passes, it could enshrine CDR...

Jun 13, 2023
💸🔦 This week’s corporate carbon removal (#CDR) buyer spotlight: NextGen 💸🔦
NextGen CDR Facility, a partnership between South Pole and Mitsubishi Corporation, aims to establish the world's largest diversified...

Jun 12, 2023
🇺🇸🏔️ This week’s US State carbon management spotlight: #Colorado 🇺🇸🏔️
Colorado is another leading state in carbon management with a comprehensive climate strategy that couples ambitious emissions reduction...

Jun 5, 2023
🇺🇸🌤 Introducing a new weekly series, US state carbon management spotlight: California 🇺🇸🌤
I’ve had a lot of positive feedback on my EU country spotlight series. In light of Carbonfuture’s recent US carbon dioxide removal (#CDR)...

Jun 4, 2023
💸🔦 This week’s corporate carbon removal (CDR) buyer spotlight: Swiss Re 💸🔦
Swiss Re has been one of the first movers on the procurement of #CDR globally. In 2019, the global provider of reinsurance, insurance,...

Jun 1, 2023
🇬🇧This week’s Europe carbon management spotlight: the #UnitedKingdom 🇬🇧
Compared to other countries, the UK is far ahead in integrating carbon removal (#CDR) into its climate policy. The government has...

May 24, 2023
🇫🇷 This week’s EU carbon management spotlight: France 🇫🇷
As the second largest economy in Europe, #France has a key role to play in helping the #EU achieve #netzero. While a concrete carbon...

May 22, 2023
💸🔦This week’s corporate carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) buyer spotlight: Microsoft 💸🔦
In a new weekly series, I will be featuring the leading buyers of CDR. Every week, I’ll be looking at one company’s purchasing strategy...

May 17, 2023
🇱🇺This week’s carbon management EU country spotlight: Luxembourg 🇱🇺
Unlike most countries I’ve spotlighted in this series so far, Luxembourg does not have a formal carbon management plan that involves...

May 10, 2023
🇧🇪 This week’s carbon management EU country spotlight: Belgium 🇧🇪
Belgium takes a uniquely different direction than other EU countries with its carbon removal (#CDR) framework – the country divides its...

May 3, 2023
🇵🇹This week’s carbon management EU country spotlight: Portugal🇵🇹
Portugal is one of the few EU countries that has codified a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) target into climate law. Although still in the...
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