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CDR library

May 3, 2023
🇵🇹This week’s carbon management EU country spotlight: Portugal🇵🇹
Portugal is one of the few EU countries that has codified a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) target into climate law. Although still in the...

Apr 5, 2023
🔥Biochar Carbon Removal (#BCR) proven to be 97%+ permanent 🔥
BCR could be the most relevant carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) technology for the next decade (and beyond). It has a technology readiness...

Apr 3, 2023
❓Can you trust in the voluntary carbon market (VCM)? ❓
Without trust, the #VCM – a $2b/year market which is set to grow significantly – ceases to exist. In recent times, a range of criticisms...

Mar 30, 2023
⚡New paper out on biochar carbon removal as a leading durable carbon dioxide removal method ⚡
CEEZER has just released an insightful paper highlighting how BCR has emerged as the most promising durable CDR technology today....

Nov 29, 2022
What is high-quality carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) and how do we certify it?
Today marks a big day. The European Commission just released the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (#CRCF) to address exactly these...
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