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CDR library

Feb 1, 2023
What is carbon capture and storage (#CCS)? And is it carbon dioxide removal (#cdr)?
Over and over again, I see CCS and CDR being equated. This leads to a range of misunderstandings 😕 Let´s tidy up this one 🔎 The key is...

Jan 18, 2023
Carbon dioxide removal (#cdr) now has a scientific, annual report 🎉
It´s an amazing piece of work, full of details, great graphs, and takeaways. What stood out for me: 🌍 All #IPCCC 1.5 and 2 degree...

Dec 11, 2022
What´s the state of carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) policy in Europe?
We´ve analysed 13 major European countries in depth to help us understand the direction of travel for CDR policy in 2023 and beyond: 🇬🇧...

Nov 29, 2022
What is high-quality carbon dioxide removal (#CDR) and how do we certify it?
Today marks a big day. The European Commission just released the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (#CRCF) to address exactly these...
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