Again, the US DoE is leading the way on CDR funding, this time with a more tech-agnostic approach! The Carbon Negative Shot is an all-hands-on-deck call for innovation in CDR pathways that will capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it at gigaton scale for less than $100/net metric ton of carbon dioxide-equivalent.
The DoE has released a Notice of Intent (NOI) for a series of Carbon Negative Shot (CNS)-aligned funding opportunities focused on supporting the advancement and maturation of a suite of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies with an expected release at the end of FY2023 or early FY2024.
For the Carbon Negative Shot Pilots (DE-FOA-0003082) there are four areas:
🌱Small Biomass Pilots
🪨Small Mineralization Pilots
🌊Small Marine CDR Pilots
🥽Multi-Pathway CDR Testbeds.
Other upcoming funding opportunities and prize tracks include:
💨Direct Air Capture (DAC) Pilot Prize - expected release date late FY2023
💲CDR Purchase Prize - expected release date late FY2023
🌐Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs - expected release of additional FOA(s) in FY2024/2025 and beyond
🔍Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for CDR - expected release date FY2024 🥼
Carbon Management: CDR Technology Research and Development (DE-FOA-0002614) - expected release date FY2024 Very exciting times ahead!
As of now, it is thin on details and we do not, for example, know the exact amounts. In any case, the US government putting its weight behind CDR is a strong signal to the market 💪
For more information click here.
Stay up to date with the latest news and funding opportunities by signing up on the DOE website for email updates by visiting https://www.energy.gov/fecm/carbon-negative-shot