It´s an amazing piece of work, full of details, great graphs, and takeaways.
What stood out for me:
🌍 All #IPCCC 1.5 and 2 degree scenarios require CDR. We simply cannot tackle climate change without it. Time for the "focus on emissions reductions instead of CDR" discussion to stop. It´s not either or, it´s both. Period.
🏭 The less we emit, the less we need to clean up afterwards. As such, we need to keep reducing emissions as fast as possible, especially until 2050, while scaling up CDR. After 2050, CDR will become the star of the show.
🔎 CDR today accounts for 2Gt of CO2. That is much more than I thought (note: we need around 10Gt/year by 2050). However, only 0.1% of this is high quality, durable CDR. The rest is lower durability CDR such as afforestation/reforestation and soil carbon.
📈 To have any shot at making a dent, we need to scale high quality CDR - or "novel" CDR as they call it here - by a factor of 30 or 60Mt of CO2 removal by 2030 and 1,300 times by 2050. A feasible, but huge, challenge. Let´s do it!
💪 #Biochar made from #PyCCS, yet again, stands out: it is, alongside BECCS, the only high quality CDR method that has any real scale today and is widely represented in the growing number of scientific studies on CDR. Time to recognise it widely as a permanent CDR method alongside #BECCS and #DACCS.
😕 Finally, governments have so far not integrated CDR into their nationally determined contributions (#ndc), especially in the short-term by 2030. We need to push for CDR in national climate goals. Watch this space: I will be publishing an analysis I have done on this in the 🇪🇺 soon.
A huge shout out to Oliver Geden, Greg Nemet, Jan Minx, and Steve Smith for publishing this. Also really enjoyed the public launch webinar - hope that slide deck gets shared soon, one of the best I´ve seen.
Link to exec summary: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/633458017a1ae214f3772c76/t/63c887ff2fd037457fb22bd5/1674086403182/SoCDR-Exec+Summary-1st+edition.pdf
Link to full report: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/633458017a1ae214f3772c76/t/63c8876b8b92bf2549e83ed5/1674086272412/SoCDR-1st-edition.pdf