🙌 We need all hands on deck to fight climate change and it’s encouraging to see so many countries and non-state actors pledging to achieve net zero emissions.
🌍 88% of global emissions, 92% of global GDP, and over 50% of the largest publicly listed companies are now covered by some form of net zero target.
☁️ While drastic emissions reductions need to be first and foremost the centre of our battle, the reality remains that offsetting will continue to play a critical role in net-zero targets.
🛡️ In light of mounting concerns over carbon credit integrity and the imperative to align offsetting practices with net zero goals, the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment - University of Oxford released their Revised Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting.
⭐ Key highlights include:
--> Urgent calls to accelerate emission reductions
--> Close the carbon removal gap
--> Deploy durable carbon removals now
--> Harness the power of high-quality nature-based solutions
💡 With a focus on transparency, durability, and innovation, this research charts a course for organisations to navigate the evolving landscape of carbon markets and offsetting practices.
👏 Well done to the authors Kaya Axelsson and Injy Johnstone.
🔗 Read the updated principles: here: https://www.smithschool.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/Oxford-Principles-for-Net-Zero-Aligned-Carbon-Offsetting-revised-2024.pdf