🏛️In my capacity of Chair of the Board of the Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE) it was my pleasure to host and moderate a parliamentary breakfast on CDR at the heart of German politics - the Bundestag.
💙For me, this was an incredible and emotional moment: in March, Oscar Schily and I had a casual chat about the need for more CDR in Germany. Fast forward just 6 months, and we are presenting the EU’s first national CDR association, backed by 32 leading CDR companies, to the key decision makers of German politics, just a stone’s throw away from the plenary room of the Bundestag.
📈 What made this even more special was the fantastic turnout (40 people) at 7.30am on a Wednesday, as well as the passionate engagement from MPs. Some MPs even stayed on way past the 9am end to discuss the pros and cons of various CDR approaches, key infrastructure that we need to build, and what type of legislation would best incentivise German companies to innovate and scale in Germany.
What an energising day!
🙌 I am super excited for all the follow-up meetings with MPs and Ministries, leading up to the DVNE’s official launch event on December 11th in Berlin.
📣 A huge thanks to my wonderful DVNE colleagues who made this possible, particularly Johannes Lehrer and Lisa Mangertseder, as well as our partners in crime from Christ&Company, Andreas Kuhlmann and Leo Hille for making this event such a success.
😎 Onwards and upwards, the future looks bright.