🌊 Today, I am featuring Vesta, PBC (formerly Project Vesta), a carbon dioxide removal company making strides in quantifying the rate of carbon sequestration, the monitoring, reporting and verification (hashtag#MRV), and the ecological effects of Coastal Carbon Capture!
How does Vesta operate?
🌋 Vesta applies olivine, a readily available green volcanic material, near coastlines. When applied coastally, it can be integrated into coastal nourishment or restoration projects and contribute to adaptation and resilience. Vesta has just announced the deployment of a second US-based pilot project in Duck, NC.
🌎 Their first field site, in Southampton, NY, has used olivine as part of a beach restoration project. The olivine made up 5% of the total volume (500 cubic yards). The field site in Duck was placed approximately 7.5 metres off the beach in 4.5 metres water depth.
👬 Vesta’s Duck project is being monitored by a fully independent third party. They have a long track record of community engagement with the people and places affected by rising sea levels and other climate impacts.
What is Vesta’s carbon removal strategy?
🪨 Coastal enhanced weathering with olivine enhances mineral weathering which naturally takes place to recycle carbon dioxide across geological time scales. CO2 captured in rainwater dissolves olivine, producing bicarbonate, and calcium ions, and providing long-term carbon storage.
🏖 Vesta has a path to scale because of the ability to integrate with coastal and beach protection efforts where sand sources are increasingly scarce and expensive. Coastal protection is a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry.
📢 What do you think about coastal carbon capture with olivine? It’s great to see more developments deriving co-benefits!
👏 Shoutout to Zach Cockrum, and the rest of the Vesta team.