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👀 You do not want to miss this 👀

Writer's picture: sebmanhartsebmanhart

🇪🇺 Today, the Expert Group of the EU’s Carbon Removal Certification Framework (#CRCF) kicks off its three-day workshop. 

👇 Keen to get involved? Read on to get everything you need.

⛏️ What’s at stake? The EU Commission is tasked to develop so-called “Delegated Acts” for the CRCF, basically supportive legislation which will determine how the CRCF is actually implemented. It also gets to decide which technologies get implemented first. Basically: this workshop is very important.

Looking at the agenda, here are my open questions that I hope to see addressed over the coming three days:

1️⃣ Transparent priorisation: why will DACCS/BECCS (and BCR?) come first? Why were other approaches excluded? The EU COM is supposed to follow three criteria: maturity, co-benefits, and existing legislation. I have yet to see or hear a clear rationale for how decisions were/are being made.

2️⃣ Clear work plan: when will the delegated acts be developed, opened for consultations, and finalised? What process will be followed? Who will be involved? We need answers to these questions for all major technologies. Uncertainty can be destructive.

3️⃣ Methodology depth: is the EU COM planning to develop fully fledged protocols, replacing VCM players essentially? Or will it provide guidelides and accredit VCM protocols accordingly? 

4️⃣ Inclusion of Enhanced Weathering (EW): EW has no time at all on a three-day agenda. Despite ranking high on co-benefits and scaleability. Why was it excluded? And how/when will it be included?

5️⃣ Ensuring like-for-like principle: we need to start talking about use cases. How will we ensure that very low permanence CRCF units like those from carbon farming will not be used to offset fossil emissions?

In terms of logistics, here are the key links for your:

💻 Links to webstreams for all three days:

📋 Agenda: (Day 1: Certification, Day 2: Carbon Farming, Day 3: Permanent Removals)

📘 Context on the CRCF:

🙋 What are you hoping to see addressed and achieved over the coming days? What are your open questions?

 Hope many of you can make it.


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